• English Language Arts (ELA) Curriculum and Design 

    Welcome to the K-12 ELA Curriculum and Design page! Our goal is to keep you informed about the curriculum and design process in K-12 English Language Arts (ELA). Teacher representatives at each site and grade level have gotten together just about once a month this year to review Common Core State Standards as well as create common pacing guides, content, and assessments to guarantee equal access to a viable curriculum for our students. ELA Page Walk Through Click Here.

    With Online Learning K-5 have developed asynchronous lessons and resources for Google Classroom at grades 6-12 have built common shells to be used as a template in the Canvas Platform.         



     Curriculum and Design decisions are based in: 

    Wonders and StudySync

    Our adopted curriculum K-5 for Language Arts is called Wonders. The 6-12 Secondary version of this is called StudySync. These are online platforms that all students have been given log in access to. We encourage you to have your student log in and explore together. The platforms work hand in hand with novels and supplemental materials being used in class as well as assessments that can be given either in print or online. Some of these assessments are common district standardized tests. 

    Pacing Calendars and Unit Planning Organizers 

    Our teachers have been working diligently to give students equal access to a viable curriculum. Please see links below for curriculum pacing calendars at each grade level as well as UPOs (Unit Planning Organizers) that will list specific standards and content addressed.

    Kindergarten Click Here 

    First Grade Click Here

    Second Grade Click Here

    Third Grade Click Here

    Fourth Grade Click Here

    Fifth Grade Click Here

    Sixth Grade Click Here

    Seventh Grade Click Here

    Eighth Grade Click Here

    Ninth Grade Click Here

    Tenth Grade Click Here

    Eleventh Grade Click Here

    Twelfth Grade Click Here 

    List of StudySync Texts

    Course Outlines: Request At Site/Teacher 

    Common District Benchmark Assessments

    In an effort to build consistency and equal access for students teams have been hard at work creating common benchmarks for students. At the elementary level you might recognize this in your student's grades as a CIA (Common Interim Assessment). Teachers use the results of these assessments to inform instruction and drive intervention. At the secondary level students will have a District Writing Benchmark Assessment in the middle of each semester and then a District Final Assessment at the end of each semester. Then each individual site will give a CIA (Common Interim Assessment) at the beginning of the semester ( a few weeks in) and between the writing benchmark and finals. These too are meant to inform next best steps for intervention especially if a student might be struggling.

    In Fall of 2022 ALL teachers at each grade level 6-12 will gather to calibrate their grading on the District Writing Benchmark Assessments. Again it will ensure equity for students and consistency in grading, as well as make our common data more meaningful. 

    Data Reports and Intervention


    For most grades, assessments are given through a platform called Edulastic which gives amazing standards based data to the teacher, site, and district. K-8 also use a diagnostic program called iReady that puts students on a personalized learning path according to their results on an adaptive diagnostic. 


    If you have any questions about the Curriculum and Design process feel free to contact our K-12 ELA (English Language Arts) TOSA (Teacher On Special Assignment) Michele Loza at mloza@tvusd.us.


    Design Team ES

    Secondary and Elementary teachers hard at work collaborating during their latest Curriculum Design Team days!