Temecula Valley Unified School District
We believe that one of the best strategies for achieving the mission of our school is to promote a collaborative and supportive decision-making team that shares responsibility and accountability for student success.
Set an alarm, Set a timer, Close down apps, Use split screens, Using Google Docs, Logging into SORA, Access eBooks, IPad Troubleshooting
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Click on the title to recognize a TVUSD employee!
Click on the title to find out how you can be part of the TVUSD team!
Click on the title for the board agenda and live-stream access.
Click on title title to access TVUSD's LCAP website.
Click on the title link to review the English and Spanish plans.
Click on the title to review the district's non-discrimination statement
Lincoln's Birthday
Washington's Birthday
Wear Red/Blue or Alamos Shirt
Crazy Sock Day
Spring Break