Students may now borrow library books by placing requests remotely, from the GMS Destiny Discoverlibrary catalog, and picking them up in the GMS library!
The GMS Library provides you with the materials, technology, environment, and assistance needed to be successful in middle school. The library houses 41 networked student computers that offer Microsoft Office software, Internet access, and Google Apps for academic purposes. The library is a place to read, study, conduct research, and to collaborate with other students. You will also find academic support from staff who are eager to assist you in locating resources and accessing information both in print and electronically.
Library Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday:
7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
*Wednesday: 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m
Open during Break Open during both lunches (when classes are not scheduled) (Library may be closed anytime, without notice, if requested by Administration)
New to GMS .... Sora! You can check out available eBooks through this site (click the image above) by using your school login information (ID number and password). You can also click on the 3 lines in the upper right-hand corner and it opens up an area for you to click on "Add a public library." Select Riverside County Library System or any other library you use (you must have a library card to check out the material). Click on the library name, search, and check out the eBooks from this easy site. There are even audiobooks available!
NEW!!! Sora/Overdrive is now connected to the Riverside CO Public Library collection and you can borrow books using your Google credentials. The Sora app is limited to k-12 (young adult) content.