Guidelines for Posting and Distributing Promotional and Informational Materials- E-Flyers

  • Guidelines for Posting and Distributing Flyers to Students and Parents - Please NOTE: TVUSD does not allow the distribution of Non-TVUSD printed or hard copy flyers or brochures at school sites.

    The following guidelines apply to the posting of materials for students and parents.  We have a slightly different process to share materials with TVUSD employees.  Please see the bottom portion for information on how to distribute materials to employees.   

    The District offers to post and distribute promotional and informational materials through the electronic distribution of flyers via an online flyer management system called Peachjar. Distribution of non-commercial materials from non-profit organizations includes the publication of services, special events, public meetings or other items of interest to students or parents/guardians.

    Guidelines are set by the district to ensure that all individuals and groups receive equal consideration in the determination of access to school posting capabilities. Basic to this consideration is an obligation on the part of the district to review the following:

    1. Determine whether a group or individual requesting use of school posting capabilities to post flyers is a qualified nonprofit organization in good standing with the California Secretary of State and/or Internal Revenue Service.
    2. Determine if the group or individual adheres to one or more of the following categories: recreational, educational, charitable, or artistic interests of the school community or the discussion of matters of general or public interest.
    3. Determine whether the flyer is in compliance with existing federal and state laws or regulations, and the stated standards, goals, and objectives of district relating to the well-being of the students and community that it serves.

    These guidelines do not apply to the distribution of PTA/PFO newsletters or parent communication from the PTA/PFO, school foundations or school-related booster clubs, and the City of Temecula. Those publications are distributed at the discretion of the site and or district administrator.


    The Superintendent or designee will consider the educational value of the materials, the age of maturity of students in the intended audience, and whether the materials support the basic educational mission of the District, directly benefit the students or are of intrinsic value to the student or their parents/guardians. All submittals must be from non-profit organizations. The Superintendent, principal or designee shall not accept for distribution any materials or advertisements that:

    1. Are obscene, libelous or slanderous (Education Code 48907)
    2. Incite students to commit unlawful acts, violate school rules or disrupt the orderly operation of the schools (Education Code 48907)
    3. Promote any particular political interest candidate, party or ballot measure, unless such materials are being distributed at a forum in which candidates or advocates from all sides are presenting their views to the students during school hours, or during events scheduled pursuant to the Civic Center Act.
    4. Discriminate against, attack or denigrate any group on account of any unlawful consideration. 
    5. Promote the use or sale of materials or services that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives, including but not limited to materials or advertisements for tobacco, intoxicants, and movies or products unsuitable for children.
    6. Solicit funds or services for an organization, with the exception of solicitations authorized in Board Policy.
    7. Distribute unsolicited merchandise for which an ensuing payment is requested.

    Organizations or individuals that engage in violations of the guidelines may be banned from future distribution of promotional and/or informational materials.

    Timeline for Submissions: IMPORTANT!

    Please submit your flyer five (5) business days before your requested circulation start date.  This will ensure that it has the appropriate time to go through the review and approval process.    

    Guidelines for Posting and Distributing Flyers to Employees Through Peachjar:

    TVUSD allows the distribution of commercial and for-profit business flyers to our employees using our online flyer program, Peachjar.  Flyers still go through the review and approval process but they do not have to be from a non-profit organization.  They must comply with the same exception notices listed above (except that they do not have to be submitted from a non-profit business).     

    TVUSD does not authorize businesses to set up booths or tables specifically for employees on school campuses or to use district email to distribute flyers or information.  You may instead use the online flyer submission system.  TVUSD employees select their options for receiving Peachjar flyers and can opt-out at any time.  

Submit Your Non-Profit Flyer to Students and Parents

  • Our district cooperates with community groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students by distributing materials electronically via Peachjar. As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have transitioned from paper to electronic flyer delivery.

    To request flyer approval to send to students and parents, follow the steps below:

    • Visit
    • Register as a Program Provider (account type).
    • Upload your non-profit letter. 
    • Upload your flyer for approval
    • All materials to be distributed shall bear the name and contact information of the sponsoring entity. All materials must also include the following disclaimer: Temecula Valley Unified School District neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity represented in this document.

    Your flyer will be automatically submitted to the district office. District staff will review and approve/deny based on the standards below. As part of the flyer posting process, you will have the option to pay Peachjar a service fee to have your flyer emailed to all parents. (Note: fees are only charged by Peachjar if you are charging a fee to participate in your event or activity.)

    If you have additional questions, please contact TVUSD's Reception Desk at 951-676-2661 or

Submit Your Flyer to TVUSD Employees

  • To request flyer approval, follow the steps below:

    • Visit
    • Register as a Program Provider (account type).
    • Upload your flyer for approval and select "STAFF" distribution
    • All materials to be distributed shall bear the name and contact information of the sponsoring entity. All materials must also include the following disclaimer: Temecula Valley Unified School District neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity represented in this document.

    Your flyer will be automatically submitted to the district office. District staff will review and approve/deny based on the standards below. As part of the flyer posting process, you will have the option to pay Peachjar a service fee to have your flyer emailed to staff.

    If you have additional questions, please contact TVUSD's Reception Desk at 951-676-2661 or